How to auto unlike multiple Pages on Social Media Site

This guide will walk you across efficient methods & software tools to
streamline the procedure.
We will explore online browsing software plug-ins, apps & tips to
assist you efficiently unfollow numerous web-pages simultaneously.
Provided that you want to unfollow numerous web-pages at once to
declutter your feed, dealing with it by hand may be time-consuming.
Keeping your social media feed targeted & engaging may be
challenging just as soon you are following multiple web-pages.
Follow the below actions to easily manage your social media
feed & concentrate on the content that truly interests you.
We can unlike multiple Facebook pages at once by using a free Chrome extension called Social Media Toolkit .
After unliking a page on Facebook, posts made on the page will no longer appear in your news feed.
Download Link
Social Media Toolkit is a free to use browser extension that can help you to unlike multiple pages in one click.
Make sure that you have Social Media Toolkit installed on your Chrome web browser, if not then use the download button given below to download the Software for free.
Download F.A.S.T.Requirements for using this software
- You must have Google Chrome or Chromium or similar web browser installed on your device to install Chrome extensions.
- For Chrome extension to work effectively, your Facebook language must be set to english.
- To use this Chrome extension you must be signed into your Facebook profile.
- You must be signed into your Facebook profile to make sure that all functionality provided in the software is available to you.
Steps to unlike multiple Facebook pages at once
After you have installed the software you must follow simple steps given below:
- Click on Chrome extension icon.
- A popup window will be opened.
- Click on appropriate button to start the tool.
- After following above steps a tool will be opened in a new tab.
- Select pages that you want to unlike.
- Select appropriate time interval between requests to avoid getting banned.
- Click on submit button.
- After clicking on submit button, tool will start the process of unliking selected pages.
- You will notice information about various events in the event log.
Event log
Event log will display you information about various events such as failed and successful requests in event log window.
We hope you have found this guide useful!If you found this guide confusing or if there is a bug in the software then feel free to comment below and our support staff will assist you.
While using this software, you must make sure that you are not going too fast. Make sure that you are using appropriate delay time intervals between each requests. Also make sure that whatever action you are about to perform using this software does not go against Facebook terms of service or privacy policy.
This software allows you to set custom random time interval between each requests preventing you from sending too many requests at once. This website is not affiliated with or endorsed by Facebook or its partners. Software tools documented on this website are not controlled by us, we advise all users to do their own research validate their safety before using them.